
Musicainsieme a Librino

we are open

I have been collaborating for two years now on a project that involves teaching Music following the Abreu model.
Musicainsieme a Librino is an association that operates in Librino, a neighbourhood in the suburbs of Catania, thanks to the collaboration between the Rotary club, a parish and some colleagues from the Massimo Bellini theatre. The goal of the association is to teach how to play a musical instrument through group lessons, with a guaranteed gratuitous loan of the instrument and with the almost immediate introduction of orchestra practice.

The double bass class began thanks to the generous contribution of Edicson Ruiz, who donated the entire fee earned for one of his concerts in Catania to finance the purchase of the first double bass.

The orchestra experience helps create a positive and healthy environment which encourages interactions between different neighbourhoods and offers an otherwise unthinkable opportunity to children and teenagers of the suburbs.

Musicainsieme a Librino


In the picture, we are in the bunker classroom of Palermo at the ceremony to commemorate the judges Falcone and Borsellino.